The Province of Ontario and Fisheries and Oceans Canada collaborate in mock exercises to test the Ministry of Natural Resource and Forestry’s Rapid Response Framework and communication systems. These frameworks are designed to be used in the event that Asian carps are discovered in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) officially sign on as members of the US-led Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC).
The Fisheries and Oceans Canada-led “Bi-national Ecological Risk Assessment of Bigheaded Carps for the Great Lakes Basin” is completed. This report identifies likely routes where Silver and Bighead carps could enter the Great Lakes and assists in the preparation of immediate, effective actions against emerging threats to Canadian waters. It also provides scientifically defensible, peer-reviewed advice for determining the best courses of action by both countries to reduce the probability of introduction of these species into the Great Lakes.
The third electric barrier is placed into full-time operation.